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Most asked questions

How to monitor mental health during pregnancy?

It is normal to feel emotional at times in pregnancy and/or have feelings of anticipation in pregnancy as you are coming closer to a new beginning to your life with the arrival of your baby.  It is also quite understandable to have some concerns about the baby, giving birth and how you will adapt to life with the new addition to your family.

It’s a good idea for all expectant parents to monitor their mental health and wellbeing and so if you are feeling sad, have lost interest or enjoyment in things that you once enjoyed or find yourself worrying over things to the point that it is causing you to feel distressed, this could be a sign of antenatal depression or anxiety . If you are concerned in any way, seek advice and help from your doctor or midwife.

Is it safe to take pain relief during pregnancy?

Acetaminophen is considered safe to use during pregnancy to treat pain and high temperatures. As with all medications taken during pregnancy- take at the lowest effective dose for the shortest amount of time. If this is not effective to control your pain, you should speak with your health care professional for advice. 

Ibuprofen should not be taken during pregnancy.

How much weight should I gain during pregnancy?

How much weight you should put on during pregnancy depends on your weight pre-pregnancy. There should also be considerations if you are carrying twins or triplets.

a healthy BMI range is 18.5-24.9. If you are within this range, you should expect to put on between 25 and 35 pounds (lbs).

If you have a BMI, below 18.5 you should gain 28 and 40 pounds (lbs). If you have a high BMI, above 25, you should gain between 15 and 25 pounds (lbs).

If your BMI exceeds 30, total weight gain should be between 11 and 20 pounds.

More questions

Is constipation normal during pregnancy?

Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy as hormones begin to effect gastrointestinal movement and the pressure increases from the uterus onto the bowel and rectum. 

The best way to deal with constipation is by drinking lots of water, increasing fibre intake by eating more bran, wheat and fresh fruit and vegetables. Gently exercise can also help.

Avoid taking over the counter laxatives without talking to your health care professional first. 


What are the signs of pregnancy?

Each woman will experience unique signs and symptoms of pregnancy. 

The first sign is generally a missed period. Women may also experience nausea and vomiting, breast tenderness, fatigue and passing urine more frequently.

If you think you are pregnant- you can take a home pregnancy test or see your GP, who may offer a urine test, blood test or ultrasound scan.

Can I sleep on my back during pregnancy?

Research has shown that sleeping on your side is the safest option from 28 weeks of pregnancy. It halves the risk of stillbirth compared to going to sleep on your back. Lying on your back in the last three months of pregnancy presses on major blood vessels, which can reduce blood flow to the womb and oxygen supply to the baby.


Can I drink alcohol during pregnancy?

The safest option is to avoid alcohol if you're pregnant or planning on getting pregnant. Alcohol has the potential to harm your unborn baby's development and cause lifelong effects. There is no safe time to drink alcohol during pregnancy.


What changes should I make to my diet whilst pregnant?

Eating a variety of nutritious food is important whilst pregnant and breastfeeding. Eating the recommended number of daily serves from the five food groups and drinking plenty of water provides your body with what it needs to grow and nourish a baby. One to two servings of fish containing low levels of mercury are recommended per week.

Listeria is bacteria that can be found in some foods and is harmful to pregnant women and their baby. It is advised to avoid these common foods during pregnancy:

  • soft and semi-soft cheeses
  • cold pressed meats
  • cold cooked chicken
  • pre-prepared vegetables and salads
  • pre-cut fruit
  • pậté
  • soft-serve ice-cream
  • raw seafood

Most experts agree that caffeine should be limited during pregnancy. It’s important to consider all drinks that contain caffeine including coffee, tea and soft drinks and to consume these in moderation. The Australian Department of Health and Ageing suggest limited intake to 300mg of caffeine per day. Alcohol should be avoided during pregnancy as there are no known safe levels. 

A multivitamin for pregnancy that includes 0.4mg of folic acid and 16-20mg of iron is recommended for all pregnant women. Seek advise from your health care provider prior to taking any supplements or herbal medicines. In the event that your are taking herbal medicines or natural supplements it is important that you inform your healthcare provider so that they can be aware, as not all are recommended during pregnancy.

If you have any questions regarding diet, supplements or listeria in pregnancy - talk to your healthcare provider.